2023 Kenzie ‘Changes’ Rosé

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2023 Kenzie ‘Changes’ Rosé


Here’s one we don’t see often – 100% barrel-fermented Merlot Rosé – a sharp pivot in response to Hawkes Bay’s turbulent and often devastating 2023 growing season. 

In winemaker Dave Mackintosh’s words:

2023 threw us some crazy curveballs due to the weather and Cyclone Gabrielle in particular. It was wild, unfortunately some vineyards were destroyed, others lost all of their fruit, but we had to keep rolling and adjust.

Changes Rose is the product of this adaptation, making something beautiful out of the chaos.

Red berry, mandarin and brown pear skin. The barrel fermentation has added an enticing savoury, wet stone character that also comes through on the palate. This wine is dry, textural and delicious to drink with a beautiful play between tannin, bitterness and acidity.”

2023 Kenzie 'Changes' Rosé
